Re-enrolment Policy and Process

Re-enrolment Policy and Process

If you have previously withdrawn from a program at Robertson and would like to re-apply in your previous or a new program, you should understand the following policies.

Re-enrolment Form – Health Programs and Early Childhood Educator

Eligibility for Re-Enrolment in the Same Program

A student can apply to re-enrol in the same program that the student withdrew from if the following apply:

  • The student has not been out of the program for more than 6 months year
  • The student does not have any outstanding accounts within Robertson College 


  • Re-enrolments are not accepted for the Online Accounting and Payroll Administrator Program or the Community Support Worker Program
  • A 6 month waiting period may be required by the Online campus depending on the circumstances of the withdrawal

If you meet these criteria, you should follow the process for re-enrolment as described below.

Process for Re-enrolment in the Same Program

Step 1. Your Student Admissions Advisor (SAA) will check that you are in good standing with the college. Any overdue payment(s) or inventory must be brought up-to-date before you will be considered eligible for re-enrolment.

Step 2. Submit to your SAA a completed re-enrolment Application and a formal letter of commitment that explains your reasoning for returning to school. This formal letter must include:

  • The reason for your original withdrawal
  • An outline of your weekly schedule (including work, volunteer, or other commitments that you have outside of school) that demonstrates your commitment to attend school (for on-campus students) or to spend a minimum of 20 hours/week on studies (for online students).
  • Information about what has changed in your personal circumstances that will ensure that you will be able to meet the attendance and academic requirements of the program. This includes explaining the following:
    • How will you ensure you stay up to date with your weekly assignments for the duration of your program?
    • To determine what program is most suitable for you, what job would you like to secure after graduation?

In addition to all of the above, if your original withdrawal was for medical reasons, you must provide a “Clear to Return to School” note from your physician.

Step 3. Your SAA will submit the documents to the Campus Director (CD) or Education Manager (Ed. Mgr.). If you are planning to attend a campus other than the original campus you attended the SAA will contact the Director of that campus.

Step 4. The Campus Director or Education Manager will consider the letter you submitted as well as your transcript. Based on these items, the Director will decide if you are eligible for re-enrolment and if academic credit will be given for courses you previously completed. Please note that credits are only given to students who have been out of the program for no more than six months (or at the discretion of the campus director) and that credits could be financial only. Scheduling might require you to retake a course in order to keep their full-time status with Student Aid.

Step 5. Within 20 days from the time all required documents were submitted, the campus director will provide you or your SAA (who will relay the information to you) the decision made on your application for re-enrolment. If accepted, you will also be provided with the new tuition amount, start date, and end date.

Eligibility for Re-enrolment in a Different Program

If you have withdrawn from a program would like to re-enrol at Robertson in a different program, you must demonstrate that you meet the entrance requirements for that program. These requirements may be different from the original program and therefore may require additional paperwork. Speak with your SAA to determine the requirements and the required paperwork.

Please note that e-enrolments of previously withdrawn students, no matter what the program, are not accepted for the Online Accounting & Payroll Administrator Program or the Community Support Worker Program except at the discretion of the Campus Director.

Process for Re-enrolment in a Different Program

The process for re-enrolment in a different program is the same process for re-enrolment in the same program. However, you must also submit any documentation required to meet the entrance requirements for the new program.

Ready to Get Started?

Once you take the first step, one of our Student Admissions Advisors will get in touch to better understand your goals for the future.