Accessibility and Accommodation Information for Students
Provincial Human Rights Codes in Manitoba and Alberta protect characteristics including religion, disability, and ethnic background. Robertson is committed to providing reasonable accommodation to students with documented special needs due to these protected characteristics.
All students at Robertson need to demonstrate that they have met the admissions requirements for the program that they are enrolling in. If you are comfortable, we ask you to disclose any disability-related needs early on in the admission process. This disclosure will not affect the decision to admit you to the College, but knowing about your needs will help Robertson’s Academic Support team indicate what accommodations are possible at the college and make a plan for you and your instructors for your success in the program.
If you request accommodations, documentation may be required. This documentation should be submitted before you are admitted to the college.
Accessibility & Accommodation Support
What accommodations can Robertson offer?
We will consider each student’s request individually, and create a plan for that student, however, here are some examples of accommodations we are able to provide:
- Modified materials, resources and equipment
- Accessible campus facilities
- Information about and referral to community support services
- Information to apply for funding
- Modified and accommodated testing
- Some assistive technologies
Requesting Accomodation
How do I let the college know that I require accommodation?
The first step is to fill out the Request for Accommodation form at this link. You will be asked to provide documentation that describes your needs (i.e. doctor’s assessments, prior educational documentation, etc.). By filling out the form, you are consenting for us to contact you to speak about the accommodations you require, and to share information about these accommodations with your instructors and other support team members at Robertson who will assist with the accommodations.
Once you have filled out the form, a member of our Teaching and Learning team will be in touch with you.
Our Accessibility Policies
View our policies related to accessibility and accommodation below:
Help us Improve
Providing Accessibility Feedback
We value your suggestions on how we can improve our accessibility services.Â
The feedback form below can be used to request:
- More information about our accessibility policies, training and procedures
- Request information in alternative formats
- Provide feedback on our accessibility and accommodation policies and services
Accessibility Feedback Form
Robertson is committed to providing accessible information, learning and employment opportunities. If you need help with accessibility while navigating our website or have any feedback about our accessibility standards, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.