Experience independent online study in a structured course format
Instructor-guided courses, fully online.
Learning with lifelong career support.
Earn a recognized diploma in 1 year or less.
Featured Business Programs
At Workforce, we equip you for a successful career launch, connecting you with the right network and opportunities to ensure post-graduation success. We are your dedicated partners in navigating the professional landscape, your bridge to a fulfilling career.
Robertson grads are prepared for the workforce.
Access your course materials 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Your online course material is all located conveniently on Brightspace, our online learning hub. You’ll have 24-hour access to materials and resources and you can choose when you pick up the books and set them down, as long as you meet your weekly goals. If you’d like to learn more about navigating Brightspace, contact one of our Student Admissions Advisors.
Why enrol?
Robertson empowers students to craft their education experience. Our programs are designed to give you relevant hands-on training so you can find a meaningful career in one year or less.Â
We know what it takes to get there. Our programs are taught and supported by industry experts so you can be sure that once you graduate, you’ll be able to hit the ground running with confidence.
Lifelong Career Support. Whether you graduated last week or 20 years ago, our Workforce Team is here to help you in all aspects of your career journey.
Online Instructor-Guided Learning. Programs that let you fiit learning into your life, not the other way around.
Industry Expert Instructors. We hire experts in the business field who have real-world experience to share.
Flexibility. Our online programs allow you to study anywhere and learn on your own time.
Job Readiness. Our programs prepare you for a meaningful career, giving you the skills, support and confidence to ensure you’re career-ready, fast.