

“Once I found Robertson, it helped me discover what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.”

Calvin, a father of two, came to Robertson when he was 38 years old. His life path hadn’t been easy and he overcame many trials and tribulations before going back to school


“I chose the Community Support Worker program so I could make a positive impact on our youth today.”

Calvin’s past experiences inspired him to pursue a program that would allow him to help youth achieve their goals. His instructor, Jodi, was a large part of his success while Calvin was in class and continued to help him grow in his career once he graduated.


“I think one big thing I took from Robertson College is just being able to get out of your shell and be yourself and make an impact.”

Calvin graduated from the Community Support Worker program in 2018 with honours and was elected class valedictorian. Shortly after, he got a job at Metis Child and Family Services. 

It was the only job he applied for after graduation. 

This new job was his chance to share his past experiences and make a difference in today’s youth, being the positive influence he didn’t have when he was younger.


“Meaningful work means just being supportive, being there for youth. Just trying to make a difference in their lives is probably the most meaningful award that you could achieve.” 

At Metis CFS, Calvin started out working with youth in group homes and moved his way up to a skills for life worker. He helps youth secure jobs, employment, housing and develop daily life skills. He’s living out his dream of helping youth achieve their goals. 


Despite his past, Calvin can happily say he loves his career, he can support his two kids and Robertson helped him become a better person. 

“I learned not to give up and keep pushing no matter what.” 

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