
When they told me I could come back as a Mature Student, it was like a weight had lifted off my shoulders.

Before I came to Robertson, I was doing telemarketing, doing call centers. It was all those entry level type jobs that I was doing.  I was 23 when I decided to go back to school. I don’t have a high school diploma. I didn’t want to wait, say, one to two years to go back to high school, get my English and Math credits that I was missing and come back to school. 

Finding out that I could come back and study as a Mature Student without having to go back, that was great. It was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. 

I've always been interested in a law career.

Growing up, I would watch some of those law shows and I would be like, oh, that looks interesting. I really enjoyed Legal Fundamentals. It was about how the law started, how we were constitutionalized, all that type of stuff. It really affirmed my decision to take the course. And being at Robertson and taking the Legal Assistant program it doesn’t just prepare you to be a specific Legal Assistant. It prepares you to actually work in administration throughout different industries.

You can work in legal. You can work for the government. You can work in administration with say, the casino or something like that. It’s a very versatile course that gives you the training to work in a bunch of different industries.  I’ve seen students go on to work in accounting firms, small law firms and big law firms.

I'm the first person in my immediate family to go to college.

My family is just excited to see someone go to college because I’m the first person in my immediate family to go to college. I think it was very exciting for my mom to see someone actually go off and do something like this. I have two brothers and one sister.  My big brother is in construction. My sister is in hair styling and then my little brother is just figuring out his life right now.  It’s such a new thing so yes, I think everyone is very happy which is good!

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