Online Programs

Browse our catalogue of completely remote programs and start preparing for a meaningful career, wherever best suits you.

Program Delivery


Flexible courses that give you the freedom to live your life while you study

Online learning driven by you.

88% of our students are employed post-graduation.

Earn a recognized diploma in 1 year or less.

Online Programs

All of our online diploma programs are hosted in Brightspace, our online learning platform. Filter by subject or field below.

Learn when you want, where you want with our online programs.

We give you the flexibility to learn on your own time.

Our flexible courses hold you accountable to your success while giving you the freedom to study when it works best for you. Connect with instructors when you need and engage with your peers in online discussion boards. If you’d like to know more about learning online and how to stay connected, contact one of our Student Admissions Advisors.

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Why enrol?

The need for agility, adaptability and flexibility have become increasingly more important in our dynamic world and constantly changing workforce.

We know this, which is why we’ve crafted flexible online courses guided and supported by industry experts that help you stay on track while you study on your own schedule.

  • Lifelong Career Support. Whether you graduated last week or 20 years ago, our Workforce Team is here to help you in all aspects of your career journey.

  • Industry Expert Instructors. We hire experts in the field who have real-world experience to share.

  • Flexibility. Our online programs allow you to study anywhere and learn on your own time.

  • Online Learning Tools. All online programs are hosted on Brightspace, an online learning platform designed to make remote learning and collaboration easy.

  • Collaborative Environment: Learn alongside other like-minded students and connect through online discussion boards, instant messages and even on-campus study groups.

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Ready to Get Started?

Once you take the first step, one of our Student Admissions Advisors will get in touch to better understand your goals for the future.